Upcoming Events
Social Events
Come meet up on the 2nd Thursday of every month.

Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity Women's Build
WHAT WILL WE DOING? Cape Fear Habitat Homeowners Program has partnered with Tracy, who is building and purchasing her home through the program. Tracy’s household consists of her son, 11, a nephew 16, and her adult sister who is disabled. By raising $100,000 and having over 20,000 volunteer hours by the end of the build, we help significantly reduce the mortgage of Tracy’s house to no more than 30% of her annual income, making the dream of homeownership a reality for one more female-led family in our community.

NAWIC 2nd Year Anniversary Celebration!
NAWIC members & family, please join us for a night of fun and celebration as we mark the 2nd anniversary of NAWIC Cape Fear on July 22, 2023, from 4pm-8pm PM!
BBQ Food and drinks will be provided. Side dishes are welcome, but not required! Pavilion includes grill if you want to bring hot dogs or burgers!
BYOB- Beer and wine must be kept underneath the shelter and not near a playground. No fortified spirits (liquor) are allowed. Glass bottles are prohibited.
Park Amenities: baseball, tennis courts, basketball courts, sand volleyball, dog park, obstacle course, playground, splashpad, and walking trail.

The focus of Women in Construction (WIC) Week is to highlight women as a viable component of the construction industry. WIC Week also provides an occasion for NAWIC’s thousands of members across the country to raise awareness of the opportunities available for women in the construction industry and to emphasize the growing role of women in the industry. It is also a time for local chapters to give back to their communities.